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ScrimsNow is offering banner advertisements on its main page. If your interested on having your 468x60 banner on our site, please choose from one of the packages below. If you don't see a rate you can work with, we are able to negotiate prices and custom rates. All payments are made via paypal, or Credit Card. If you don't have a paypal account, you can sign up by clicking the Buy Now button, and go to (If you do not currently have a PayPal account).

468x60 Banner Adverts

The Ideal advertising plan, for webmasters looking to spend a moderate amount of cash, but still very effective. This is currently our highest, most noticeable section of the site. So you and your banner will get a lot of views and then will recieve a high CTR. Below are our monthly prices.

Duration: 1 Month
Price: $10.00 USD

Duration: 2 months
Price: $18.00 USD

Duration: 3 months
Price: $26.00 USD

Duration: 4 months
Price: $34.00 USD

Only 7/8 Spots Left.

Bottom Subpage Text Links

This is the ideal advertising plan, for webmasters that are looking to save money. Not only would you be saving money, but you will also be increasing your websites traffic tremendously. Our affortable text links ads, are the most competitive prices on the net. We strive to offer cheap, but excellent banner advertisements for you and your website. Below you can find our monthly, advertisement plans.

Duration: 1 Month
Price: $5.00 USD
Duration: 2 months
Price: $10.00 USD

Duration: 3 months
Price: $15.00 USD

Duration: 4 months
Price: $20.00 USD
Only 8/8 Spots Available.

Very Important Note
After purchasing a banner advertisement plan, please send and email to bLaZ3n.

Custom Banner Advertisement Rates
If you would like a custom advertising rate, please send an email with the information to

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